> All I was able to find is a solution with "Ctrl-z" putting it in a
> background and starting new session.  That is not really a solution.

Agreed.  That's not it.

> I'm sure somebody has similar macro worked out, it is just a mutter of 
> finding it :-/

Something along these lines might work.  Untested.  It's been years
since I used xterm, so I'm not sure if the syntax below is correct for
expressing what xterm should run.  Might need to add sh -c and quoting,
or somesuch.  Maybe you need some more dressing, but perhaps this will
get you started.

If you want this only sometimes, you'll need to macro-fy the muttrc

$ cat external-reply
# hard-link our own copy of the draft so that mutt can remove original
ln "$DRAFT" "$DRAFT.tmp"
        ## execute this in a bkgrounded subshell,
        ## allowing the original shell to exit
        xterm -e "exec mutt -H '$DRAFT'"
        rm -f "$DRAFT"
) &
exit 0

set editor="external-reply"

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    NSIT    University of Chicago
 "Polka music needs to prevail."   John Ziobrowski, Polka America Corporation

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