On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 02:36:30PM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> Since you didn't elaborate on what you mean by "return" except that 
> it is not the same as "enter", I assume that you mean an ASCII 
> carriage return, 0x0D.  That is the same character as Ctrl-J. 

Well, I did not know that Ctrl-J is the same character as "Return" /
0x0D, now it makes sense why mutt is behaving as I've described it. 

Are there other mappings which overrides standards keys? I mean Ctrl-J
is overlapping with <Return>, are there others? Is there a tool which
tells me the characters of keystrokes? xev does not work for key

I've changed my sidebar settings to the standard values, now everything
is good. Thanks Gary!


  ^^^    | Andreas Leppert
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