On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 09:46:19PM +0200, Rado S wrote:
> Return-receipts being standard replies with a preformatted content
> (nothing special about them), mutt _does_ support them, just not

Well, the problem is that what you describe is not all.
Additional the feature (to be comparable) it is a notification that the sender
asked for a return receipt and it is a one-action-thing to confirm this.
Off course it is possible to workaround the missing builtin support. But don't
talk about it like it would be anything other then a workaround, cause that is 
what it
basically is.

> built-in as you would like it to be so that you don't have to tweak
> the config as freely as you must, sorry: _can_. Imagine all that

You keep talking like it was a simple configuration change, but thats not true.
Tell me: Why do you keep telling something thats _untrue_?
Consider the truth: It would be possible to achieve most of the requested 
by writting a script that is spawned when a message is displayed, using
message-hooks. Its also possible to ask a question in this script. So we
reached the goal, didn't we? Yes, we did, but: We must depend upon at least
two additional components (a script and an interpreter), the question is not
well-integrated into mutt and so the solution is: error-prone and not as
comfortable as it could. So it is possible, but it is everything but a
configurable option.

> It's not a bug but a feature that not everything that is possible is
> built-in but must/can be accomplished elsewhere.

I agree. But just because it is a feature it is not a feature in *every* case.


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