On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 07:52:03AM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Actually, one of the things that makes mutt suck less than other MUAs is that
> it *doesn't* have additional hundreds of little-used "features" to cause
> bloat, bugs, user confusion, and UI complication for no real added benefit.
> As a related example, I'm still disappointed SMTP support got added.

Actually I think this is a fine example of why that argument is total
nonsense.  Since SMTP support has been added, in what measurable way
has it caused Mutt to suck more?  Is the memory footprint
*substantially* larger?  Has it caused mutt to become noticably slower?  

My desktop has 2GB of RAM.  Mutt's memory footprint would have to go
up by a factor of about 50 before I would even notice, and more like
100 before it would be a genuine concern.  My CPU is a 3GHz Pentium
4... the load on my system when Mutt is running is negligible for all
but the most computing-intensive operations (and even then, it's disk
load, not CPU, that's the problem).  Adding the requested feature will
add at most a couple of KB, and have zero noticable impact on system
performance.  If you're still running Mutt on a 486 with 16MB of RAM,
it's probably time to upgrade your machine... but if you don't want
to, and you don't care about new features, just run an old version of
Mutt.  1.4 still works, and has even had (fairly) recent security
updates.  But your argument is completely bogus when it comes to
deciding whether or not to add a feature to Mutt.  Especially since,
if there really was some compelling reason to keep the footprint
small, features could be added as loadable modules, which is now
decades-old technology.

The bloat that you're talking about other mailers having is caused by
needing to load huge desktop inter-process com libraries on top of
huge GUI toolkit libraries on top of underlying system libraries.
Mutt will never have this problem, because it doesn't try to be a GUI
desktop environment application...  But even if it did, on modern
hardware, running these apps just isn't problematical.  Balking at
adding genuine features in the name of preventing bloat is simply
asinine, and clinging to those ideals is an attitude that's fitting
for computing's stone age, but by and large, if we're talking about
genuine features that people use (even if the set of people doesn't
include you personally), just doesn't make sense.  When developers use
this argument, what they're really saying is either they oppose the
feature on philisophical grounds (which is not a good reason), or
they're too busy/lazy/disinterested to work on it (which is a good
reason, since no one's paying them to do it).

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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