On 10/26/07 12:43, Derek Martin wrote:
Do you have ".Xauthority" file in your home directory?

Er, yes... but I'm not sure what that has to do with it.  .Xauthority
is a file which the X server checks to see if you have permission
(cookies) to access the display.  I guess you might mean .Xdefaults
or .Xresources instead, and yes I have that file too (both of them,
though they're essentially redundant), which contains the resources

Yes, you are right, I meant .Xdefaults
here is something I just put together:
Urxvt.scrollBar: true
URxvt.scrollstyle:      plain
URxvt.secondaryScroll:  true
Urxvt.reverseWrap: true

URxvt.cursorColor:  #dc74d1
    URxvt.pointerColor: #dc74d1
    URxvt.background:   #0e0e0e
    URxvt.foreground:   #4ad5e1
    URxvt.color0:       #000000
    URxvt.color8:       #8b8f93
    URxvt.color1:       #dc74d1
    URxvt.color9:       #dc74d1
    URxvt.color2:       #0eb8c7
    URxvt.color10:      #0eb8c7
    URxvt.color3:       #dfe37e
    URxvt.color11:      #dfe37e
    URxvt.color5:       #9e88f0
    URxvt.color13:      #9e88f0
    URxvt.color6:       #73f7ff
    URxvt.color14:      #73f7ff
    URxvt.color7:       #e1dddd
    URxvt.color15:      #e1dddd

URxvt.geometry:         124x45
    URxvt.loginShell:       false
    URxvt.meta:             ignore
    URxvt.utmpInhibit:      true

URxvt.saveLines:        1500

URxvt.insecure:         true

URxvt*font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=16
URxvt*boldFont: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=16

URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed
------end .Xdefaults-------

Mostly, yes.  And having the right locale.  But it does depend a bit
on what terminal program you're using, and how your fonts are

I've noticed that that "urxvt" terminal works much better than xterm for Asian fonts especially. No special configuration needed it just works.

urxvt works OK locally but accessing another box over ssh and doing some root work I have experiencing some strange warnings eg:
# dispatch-conf
WARNING: terminal is not fully functional

I've never seen it before.


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