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On Monday, November 26 at 03:10 PM, quoth Steve:
> When I use TAB to go to the next unread message, sometimes the 
> display starts to move up and the whole message becomes mixed up. 
> After some investigation, all I found to fix this problem is to 
> Ctrl-L which redisplays the screen correctly. But this fix only 
> works for a while and I can be sure that a half a dozen messages 
> later the problem comes up again. 

That's a problem with your TERM setting. (Though locales was a good 
guess.) Mutt is pretty fancy with how it draws to the terminal, and so 
it often exposes the inconsistencies if your TERM setting isn't the 
same as the terminal you're using. For example, I bet your TERM is 
probably set to "xterm", even though you're not using xterm at all.

Now, I *think* (and you'd have to dig into the Konsole documentation) 
that the correct TERM setting for it is "xterm-color" (because it's 
emulating an xterm), though there may be a more accurate setting 
(check the Konsole docs). The correct setting for when you're using 
putty depends on what putty is emulating; check into putty's 
configuration, and set it to something useful. It's probably emulating 
a VT100 terminal, and you want it to emulate something a little more 
capable, like an xterm.

Setting your TERM variable depends on what shell you're using, but to 
test the setting regardless of shell, use this:

     env TERM=xterm mutt

Hope that helps,
- -- 
The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet.
                                                      -- William Gibson
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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