Hi you again,

Sometimes I receive msgs with lots of files attached. It's sort of
boring to tag them one by one in order to save them. So I found the link


I did exactly as text said, but the thing is that once I get the msg
"File is a directory, save under it? [(y)es, (n)o, (a)ll]" nothing
happens no matter which key I press...  Am I doing something wrong or is
it a bug?

Thank you for your attention.


Leonardo Caldas

ICQ: 801133            | Black holes are where god divided by zero.  
GTalk: leonardo.caldas | 
Skype: leonardo.caldas | 
Yahoo: leonardocaldas  | 
Celular: 71-8821-9755  | 

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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