On Sat, Jan 26, 2008 at 03:50:17AM -0500, Dan H. wrote:
> 1. I'd like to have new or unread mail (what's the difference, anyway?)
>    flagged somehow. Occasionally I see an N next to some messages, but in
>    general mutt seems to completely oblivious to what's new or unreaed.
>    That's a botch because I have to scrutinize several inboxes for new
>    mail and frequently overlook things. I know there's the option to
>    automatically stuff read messages into the "mbox", but I like to leave
>    read messages in inbox as a to-do reminder when necessary. 

I use the New and Old flags to keep track of items as a todo list.
Messages get marked read when they are ready for being moved to my mbox.

A new message that hasn't been read is marked "N".  If you leave that
flag and quit, mutt changes that flag to "O".  When you Tab through
messages, you go through the N messages, then O messages.  Either counts
as unread.

If a message comes in and I read it, but need a reminder, I keep it
around flagged O.  Since that prevents mutt from moving it to my mbox, I
have to either open the message or manually remove the flag.

That workflow works for me.

Glad you're enjoying mutt so far,


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