
mutt still refuses to identify mail that hasn't been read. Even if new mail
comes in during a session while the inbox is open.

But here's the thing:

1. No MUA is running, mail comes into inbox.

2. I open mutt. All mail shows up as "read".

3. I quit mutt.

4. I start Claws-Mail. Inbox shows up with the same messages, of course,
   but all marked as "Unread".

5. Without doing anything else, I quit Claws.

6. I start mutt again, and, lo and behold, the mail is suddenly unread
   (albeit "old").

Trying to hunt down the source of this information, I copied the new
messages in inbox between step 1 and 2 (from the shell, not an MUA). I then
did a "diff" on the mails in inbox and the saved copy after each of the
above steps, trying to find out if the various MUAs do something to the
messages to mark them read/unread. At no point did I find any difference.
Claws uses a couple of files  with a .sylpheed_ prefix in the MH mailboxes,
presumably to store such meta-information. But mutt doesn't. The
header_cache feature is disabled, or at least that's what I think:

$ mutt -D | grep header_cache
maildir_header_cache_verify is set

This is very annoying. I need to see new mail in my inboxes. Does anybody
else have a fetchmail/procmail combo sorting stuff into various inboxes
under ~/Mail, and how do they manage to mark stuff as new?


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