On 12.03.08 15:41:48, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 12 at 08:23 PM, quoth Andreas Pakulat:
> > I'm trying to use mutt here with the imap service from 
> > archiveopteryx and for some reason mutt stalls when I change the 
> > mailbox from the inbox to some other after waiting a few seconds. So 
> > I often can open another box if I'm fast, but the second or third 
> > try completely stalls. There's no error message displayed in mutt 
> > and looking at the network traffic I can't see anything from mutt 
> > either (though I'm not really familiar with the imap protocol).
> >
> > So how can I debug this further? The server works fine when I use kmail 
> > and the same mutt version, with almost the same configuration on another 
> > machine, works fine against a dovecot imap service.
> Mutt has a debug mode (mutt -d2), assuming you compiled it with debug 
> support. That will tell you what it's doing in ~/.mutt_debug0, and you 
> can see the IMAP commands that mutt sent and received in there.

Aah, thanks. Looking at the output I don't see much, except the
following (towards the end of the file):
4< a0038 OK done
mutt_num_postponed: 0 postponed IMAP messages found.
cmd_new: IMAP command queue full

> What it sounds like to me is that mutt is using some feature of IMAP 
> (probably IDLE) that archiveopteryx can't handle. Try setting 
> imap_idle=no.

That doesn't make a difference.

> You may also want to increase some of your timeouts---if 
> doing so increases the amount of time you have before the network 
> stalls, that will tell us what mutt might be doing that causes the 
> network stall.

I checked all settings from the manual that contain "timeout", but none
of them is changed within my .muttrc. So even the smalles timeout is 30
seconds (connect_timeout) and I just need to wait about 5 seconds after
the initial read of the inbox to change the mailbox and get the hang.

Another thing I just noticed: When I get to open a mailbox it still
doesn't show any mails inside that box, even though they are there for
sure (as the STATUS messages indicate and the sidebar too).


PS: The full output from .muttdebug0 (sans a few lines that I can't post
in the public):
Mutt 1.5.17+20080114 started at Wed Mar 12 23:37:51 2008

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