I am running fedora 8 and my home directory is nfs mounted. When I execute:

 echo 'test email using mutt'|mutt -s  'test email using mutt'  <myemailaddress>

it hangs up for a while (can't interrupt it with cntl-c or background
it with cntl-z and bg) and then produces this error message:

fcntl: No locks available (errno = 37)
Couldn't lock /<myhomedirpath>/sent

When I run

echo 'test email using mutt'|mail -s  'test email using mutt'  <myemailaddress>

from the same context, it works immediately. So I am pretty sure it is
not sendmail causing the problem.

I don't really care whether my outgoing email gets saved in 'sent'. Is
there a .muttrc setting that would get mutt to not even try locking
and using ~/sent? Are there some other options (don't lock, put sent
mail somewhere local/lockable, fix nfs locking)? I tried to RTFM, I
must be looking in the wrong places.

One obvious option is just use mail instead of mutt, but I like mutt!
Mutt makes sending attachments easier.

This is not a problem on fedora 7 or 6, I wonder if their packagers
changed the default config.

Thanks in advance,

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