During a recent thread kyle said as follows:-

    The next task is to figure out how to get elinks' colors to be 
    preserved. The key mutt configuration value here is $allow_ansi. 
    Default is "no", but if you set it to "yes" then mutt will preserve 
    the colors in elinks' output. If that doesn't work, it means that 
    elinks isn't putting the colors into its dump output, so you have to 
    tell elinks to use colors when printing formatted text to a pipe. The 
    magic argument you need to pass to elinks is -dump-color-mode. 
    Unfortunately, as you can see in this bugreport 
    (http://bugzilla.elinks.cz/show_bug.cgi?id=622), they've only 
    implemented that flag for the cutting edge 0.12.GIT version of elinks 
    (it hasn't made it into a stable version of elinks yet). So, if you 
    REALLY REALLY want color, you can get it, but it'll be a bit of a 

Thanks to the other part of your reply (which I haven't quoted) I can
now get elinks to fill the width of the window in 'autoview' dump mode.

However my other issue is less with colour as such but with formatting.

If I run elinks to view an HTML E-Mail via the 'v'iew command I not
only get the original colours, I get proper frames for tables etc.
rather than ASCII characters.  I *suppose* this may be for the same
reasons that you have described above for colours but I'm not really

I guess it *might* be possible to write a wrapper script that allows
elinks to feel as if it has a terminal, capture the output to file and
then dump that to mutt.

Chris Green

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