Hi all!

although I've been using mutt under GNU/Linux for a few years now, I've
just subscribed to the list and this is my first post.

Despite various attempts to set different _From_ addresses and/or
signatures according to the ML I'm writing to I always end up with the
same result: the _send-hook_ will only work for replies to messages
coming from a particular list but not for my first message to the list!

Here follows the relevant part of my .muttrc and I hope you can tell me
what is wrong with these settings.

Thanks for your attention.

-------- quote ------

# default hook 
set default_hook =3D "~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)"

send-hook . unmy_hdr \
my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; \
my_hdr Reply-To: Ennio-Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; \
set signature=$HOME/.sign1
# these are ok even together with the above
#send-hook . \
#my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; \
#my_hdr Reply-To: Ennio-Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; \
#set signature=$HOME/.sign1

unhook * ; \
send-hook '~t ppc'    'my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; \
                       my_hdr Reply-To: Ennio-Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; \
                       set signature=$HOME/.sign2'
unhook * ; \
send-hook '~t debian'  'my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
unhook * ; \
send-hook '~t majordomo' 'my_hdr From: Ennio-Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

------ unquote -----

[Perche' usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.    \\?//
 Fa' qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"   (diceva Henry Miller) ]    (°|°)
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