
* Ethan Mallove wrote:

 $ pstack 31477
 31477:  mutt -y -e push "<change-dir><kill-line>=Inbox<ente
  fefc5900 read     (4, 1a0c88, 5)
  ff1b5f6c sock_read (283380, 1a0c88, 5, 0, 5, 0) + 2c
  ff1b2f6c BIO_read (283380, 1a0c88, 5, 1a0c88, ff24c684, 1) + 10c
  ff2f7260 ssl3_read_n (664788, 0, 5, 0, 5, 3) + 160
  ff2f73a4 ssl3_get_record (664788, 664788, 4400, 4000, 4400, 4000) + a4
  ff2f829c ssl3_read_bytes (664788, 17, 17dfac, 400, 0, 0) + 1dc
  ff2f58e8 ssl3_read (0, 17dfac, 400, 1b1178, 220cc, 664788) + a8
  001059cc ssl_socket_read (17de60, 17dfac, 400, 2, ffff0000, e) + 34
  00103df8 mutt_socket_readchar (17de60, ffbfc383, ffffffff, 2, 0, 80808080) + 
  00103f28 mutt_socket_readln_d (17e3e0, 200, 17de60, 2, ffff0000, e) + 38
  0010d950 imap_cmd_step (180a50, 1ab888, ffffffff, 2, 0, 80808080) + c8
  0010ddb8 imap_exec (180a50, 137048, 0, e, ffff0000, e) + 130
  00113ce0 imap_check_mailbox (17d7c0, ffbfc6d0, 0, 0, 0, 80808080) + 218
  0009f358 mx_check_mailbox (17d7c0, ffbfc6d0, 0, e, ffff0000, e) + 120
  0005df78 mutt_index_menu (17d7c0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 80808080) + 310
  0008d2d0 main     (4, ffbfd61c, ffbfd630, 148400, ff0c0100, ff0c0140) + 1638
  0003a810 _start   (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 108

This looks like it hit the timeout in the index and checks the current folder for new mail. Waiting on read() means it's waiting from an answer from the IMAP server. I'm not sure why the server won't answer, though.


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