On Jul 25 12:44, Michael Kjorling wrote:
> On 25 Jul 2008 14:06 +0200, by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve S):
> > I replaced this with
> > 
> >     folder-hook script.sh| ...
> > 
> > and script.sh :
> > 
> >     echo 'folder1|folder2|folder3'
> Maybe what you want is more along the lines of
> folder-hook `script.sh` ...

Yes, that was my initial attempt. It works if I use 
    folder-hook `/path/to/script.sh` ...

I have tried

    set my_muttdir=$HOME/.mutt
    folder-hook `$my_muttdir/script.sh` ...

Here, Mutt doesn't seem to expand $my_muttdir before handing the command over
to the shell. Is there a trick to do that?


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