
Is it possible to save two copies of sent messages? The idea is to have 
a copy of sent messages depending on the recipient, and another copy
depending on the account sent.

This is what I have so far:

1.- A macro sources different identities, and the sourced file sets the
mailbox depending on the identity (mail account):  
macro   index,pager  <F1>    ":source ~/.mutt/Profiles/uab\n" "Load uab profile"

In the sourced file, I have:
fcc-hook . ~/Mail/record/uab

2.- This hook save all messages to the recipient folder:

# ~A  all messages
# %t `to:' field (recipients)
fcc-hook ~A ~/Mail/record/%t

>From what I have understood so far, the most
likely solution is to create some fcc-hook rules to decide if the
message stays in the recipient folder or the account folder instead of
having two copies of the same message. 

If this is the case, is it possible to use regular expressions in the
folder name? Variables (like %t) are allowed. The idea is to modify the 
folder name. For example,  removing the 'TO' string at the beginning of the
variable %t, manipulate the variable in case of multiple addresses,...

Is there another possibility, like using some user-defined variables in
the folder name of the fcc-hook instead of the variable %t?

I would very much appreciate any hint.

Thanks very much for the attention!!!

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