coming from the openbsd community, I know just too well that people
should read the documentation before asking for something in the
mailing list. These guys here are being nice to you, on misc@ they
would have killed you and offered you to an evil god on a satanic
ritual :D (just talking in jest)

But sometimes, even though there is a fine manual, people like me,
whose mother tongue is not English, find it difficult to find a
specific keyword. I am sure there are translations of the manual to
other languages, but in this IT world the translations are usually
obsolete and/or uncompleted. My experience is that it does not
generally pay off to look into the translation and, if so, then you
are not learning... to fish, which in this case means that you are not
learning the tech English  you'll need again at some point.

In any case, what I mean is that I try to understand the English
manual, but sometimes find it difficult to look for the information,
because a specific keyword is needed... then asking in the mailing
list (as I did yesterday) is the only left option.  I ask for
apologies in advance, indeed! Also, usually, I do only need the
keyword. Yesterday I found the relevant part of the manual after the
1st answer.

Of course, if your mother tongue is English, the above does not apply...

anyway... take it easy... and thanks for helping!


2008/9/23 bill lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Sahil Tandon wrote:
>> bill lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
>> > > > If you do not care to help, there are other more helpful people.
>> > >
>> > > as you wish.
>> >
>> > Good! Please just ignore and do not response future mails from me.
>> It is not in your best interest to antagonize Patrick and other helpful
>> members of the mutt community.  He *was* trying to help you.  Have you
>> ever chanced upon the phrase:
>> “Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll
>> eat for a lifetime.â€
> "Teach a man to fish" is not *just* tell him to rtfm.
> When I tell others to rtfm, I will either give the specific answer first,
> or tell him to read page.### or search for the keyword blahblah.
> --
> regards,
> ====================================================
> GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24
> gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4434BAB3

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