On 12Nov2008 12:40, Chengqi(Lars) Song <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I have over 1000 mails and I want to save all the mail addresses
| appeared in them to aliases. Is there an easy way to do this? It will be
| frustrating to do it one by one.

Well, I use the following script and python class:

This is more for purposes of illustration, though you're welcome to use
the whole thing if you like. cs-aliases reads a mail item on stdin,
pulls all the addresses, then appends the new ones to a file.
You could easily adapt it to your task.

I use this to categorise addresses in my UNKNOWN folder, which contains
email that gets past my spam filter and doesn't match an existing mail
filing rule. Since I have a rule that matches "to me and from a known
address", this contains mostly spam but also a fair amount of messages
I haven't yet written a filter for or from people I know but haven't
told my mail system about. So for these latter non-spam messages I pipe
the message into cs-aliases with a category name, and it stashes new
addresses as being in that category (that in turn gets turned into some
automatic mail filing rules).

Let us know if this approach suits.
Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> DoD#743

STUFF: Anything that can be used for homebrewing.
JUNK: Everything else you thought could be used for homebrewing, but can't.
        - Steve Casselman

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