Hi all,

I'm using a script (http://www.bsdconsulting.no/tools/mutt-ldap.pl) to
try to access my address book on fastmail.fm. I've changed the

# --- configuration ---
$ldapserver = "ldap.messagingengine.com";
$domain = "fastmail.fm";
$username = '[EMAIL PROTECTED],ou=Users';
$password = "my_password";
$basedn = "dc=AddressBook";
# --- end configuration ---


$ldap->bind($username, password=>$password);

per instructions at http://wiki.fastmail.fm/index.php?title=LDAP#Mutt

Also in muttrc set query_command = "/home/user/bin/mutt-ldap.pl '%s'"

but consistently get the following error:

authentication required at /home/festus/mutt-ldap.pl line 46, <DATA>
line 466.

I have also tried mail.messagingengine.com and also tried AddressBooks,
both of which were mentioned in a long thread on fastmails discussion
groups (http://www.emaildiscussions.com/showthread.php?t=52707). This is
all running on a Gentoo VM using mutt 1.5.18 from tip.
Any and all help appreciated,
P.S. I know close to zero about perl.

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