On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 04:34:03AM -0500, zirath wrote:
> Is there a way to set up mutt to send mail directly from our dynamic dsl 
> address rather than thru the provider's mail server?

Yes, there is a way. You set up Sendmail or some other MTA to
accept mail from mutt.

If that is all you do, It probably won't work.  Many ISP's block
outgoing port 25 traffic and virtually ALL isp's will
not accept incoming port 25 traffic from dynamically assigned IP
addresses. Because that is where most spam comes from..

To get around that you need to use a service like mailhop from
Dyndns.org.  Thats what I do.

I am on a dynamically assigned IP (comcast cable), and I use 
Dyndns.orgs services to give myself "real" (SMTP) in and out.
As well as using them for dynamic IP tracking so people can get 
to my web pages. (Describing my web pages as "minimal" is
overkill. :-) )

There are some annual charges but they are minimal.

Jeff Kinz


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