* Grant Edwards on Friday, January 16, 2009 at 17:18:37 +0000
> On 2009-01-16, Christian Ebert <blacktr...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>| 5.2.2. Attach: pseudo header
>>|  You can also attach files to your message by specifying
>>| Attach: filename [ description ] where filename is the file t o
>>| attach and description is an optional string to use as the
>>| description of the attached file.
> I don't see how that solves the problem.  Instead of forgetting
> to hit 'a' before sending, you forget to add the Attach" header.

Right, I was in a rush and forgot to say that I have

command! -nargs=1 -complete=file Attach execute "normal magg}k"
      \ | call append(line('.'), 'Attach: <args>') | normal `a

in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/mail.vim, but Christian Brabants autocmd
proposal is even better.

\black\trash movie    _C O W B O Y_  _C A N O E_  _C O M A_
Ein deutscher Western/A German Western
-->> http://www.blacktrash.org/underdogma/ccc.html
-->> http://www.blacktrash.org/underdogma/ccc-en.html

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