* Marc Fournier <marc.fourn...@camptocamp.com> [03.04.2009 18:33]:
> Hi,
> > I'm looking for a way to integrate the latest post on my blog into my
> > .signature-file. I remember having come across something like this
> > months ago, but can't seem to find it now. Maybe you know a simple
> > solution? The result should look something like my manual sig below.
> I recently discovered a tool called xmlstarlet which lets you extract
> stuff from xml data. Maybe you could use something like this on your
> blog's rss feed:
> $ curl -s http://michaelmaurer.net/rss.xml | \
>   xmlstarlet sel -t -m /rss/channel/item -v link -n | \
>   head -n1 > ~/.signature
> Marc

That looks nice and simple as well, thanks! I think I'll play around
with both options, I got this idea to randomize the signature and make
it use some arbitrary blog entry. Since I'm using nanoblogger, I could
actually skip the whole fetching process and just manipulate the path to
my local files.

- Mike 

"How I helped build the bomb that blew up Wall Street."

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