On Fri 17, Jul'09 at  4:50 PM -0600, lee wrote:
Maybe it's easy for you, but it won't be easy for me. I'd have to
learn python or perl first or try to figure out how to write a shell
script to do that. Like I said, I could do it in C (which isn't the
ideal choice for that). In any case, it would take quite some time to
do it. That's not what I would call "easy enough".

Fair enough. Well, if you are interested, I've attached the code below between the dashes. I'm assuming you have python installed. Save it wherever you want and name it whatever you want. If you want specific folders ignored, add them in the ignore statement.

Then add the following line to your muttrc file:

mailboxes `/path/to/script/listbox.py /path/to/mail/folders`

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os, sys

        fpath = sys.argv[1]
ignore = ['.DS_Store', 'm-search', 'ignore-this-box']
dirs = os.listdir(os.path.expanduser(fpath))

for i in ignore:
        if i in dirs:

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