On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 07:40:27AM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Wednesday, August  5 at 08:06 AM, quoth ed:
> > Mainly this is so that I can inspect the headers of the original 
> > before generating the headers of the reply. I know it's a lot of 
> > senselses work but I want to set the From: header to match the fist 
> > Delivered-To header of the original...
> Ahhh, well, you may be able to work around that too.
> I would do it something like this: create a "reply" macro, so that 
> when you hit "r" (or whatever you use to reply to messages), it pipes 
> the message to a script, sources a file (generated by that script), 
> and then replies to the message. Like this:
>      macro pager,index r 
> '<pipe-message>~/.myfilter.sh<enter><enter-command>source 
> ~/.myfilter.out<enter><reply>'
> Then your filter script can look something like this:
>      #!/bin/sh
>      lastdt=`awk '/^$/{print lastdt;exit}/^Delivered-To: /{lastdt=$2}'`
>      echo "my_hdr 'From: $lastdt'" > ~/.myfilter.out
> Thus, when you reply, your filter script creates a file full of all 
> the commands and/or settings you want to make mutt do. The macro then 
> sources that file, which runs all those commands, and THEN issues the 
> reply.

Brilliant idea Kyle, thanks very much I'll give that a go and let you
know how I get on.

Thanks again

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