Since upgrading to Snow Leopard my colour definitions are
messed up.  Anywhere where I set the colour I use 'default'
for the background colour so that it remains whatever the
current background colour is.  With the upgrade this no
longer works, the background gets set to ANSI white (grey).

For example in my .muttrc file I have:

        color error brightred default

Where I a black on white screen the error
will be red on grey.  Using 'default' for the background 
is supposed to leave it set as it was.  In this way, by
just setting foreground colors, the same settings may be
usable with different background colors in
(e.g. white on black).

Apparently this functionality is provided by an extension
to curses provided in ncurses; use_default_colors().  I
aquired the latest source and built it myself, I had been
using macports, and I see that it sets HAVE_USE_DEFAULT_COLORS
and links against Apple's ncurses library.

Has anyone any idea what is wrong here?


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