On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 04:40:14PM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2009-09-09, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> > I can't find a way to compose *new* mail to a list without entering the
> > "To:" address manually. Tried running searches, the manual, and this
> > list's archives to no avail. Maybe I'm using the wrong search terms. I'm
> > looking for something like Alpine's " A method to send a message to the
> > entire list (Post)".
> > 
> > Not a deal breaker but it would be handy. 
> > 
> > Any help appreciated.
> I filter my incoming mail into a different folder for each mailing
> list and I have a folder-hook for each of those folders that binds M
> to a macro that begins a message to the current mailing list.
> folder-hook .                           \
>         'macro index M <middle-page> "move to the middle of the page"'
> folder-hook +Incoming/mutt-dev          \
>         'macro index M "<mail>mutt-dev^M^M"     "mail to list"'
> folder-hook +Incoming/mutt-users        \
>         'macro index M "<mail>mutt-users^M^M"   "mail to list"'
> Those ^Ms are actually carets and upper-case Ms, not Ctrl-Ms.  You
> could use <Return> instead.  The first ^M terminates the To: prompt
> and the second one terminates the Cc: prompt.  After pressing M, you
> are immediately presented with the Subject: prompt.

I've heard that Mutt documentation was somewhat opaque but that's not
true. It was written on Mars, translated into Swahili, and transcribed
phonetically into Navajo! 

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"

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