bill lam wrote:
On Tue, 15 Sep 2009, Jason wrote:
Jason wrote:
I've followed the smime howto's, imported my certs, tried .mime.types,
.mailcap to no avail.  mutt refuses to decrypt it.  When i select the
email, it shows "application/octet-stream".

Here's my ${HOME}/.mailcap
application/octet-stream; /home/jason/bin/ %s; \ needsterminal
text/html; lynx --dump --force-html %s; copiousoutput

And the shell script calls openssl to decrypt.

If I 'v'iew an html attachment in an unencrypted email, the above
mailcap is referenced, and the action performed.  I know this because
when I remove the '--force-html' the output is raw html.

When I do the same 'v'iew on a smime.p7m file (application/octet-stream)
 mutt complains with "No matching mailcap entry found.  Viewing as text."

Just wild guess, what if you press 'm' (edit-mime) instead of <enter>
after pressing 'v'.

Same result, when I press 'm' after 'v', I get the following:

mailcap entry for type "application/octet-stream" not found

So, I looked at the help for that page (a little sleep does wonders for not missing the obvious ;-) ), and saw that '^E' allows me to edit the content type. So I change it to "application/x-pkcs7-mime". Then, I edit my ${HOME}/.mailcap to look like the following:

application/octet-stream; /home/jason/bin/ %s; needsterminal application/x-pkcs7-mime; /home/jason/bin/ %s; needsterminal
text/html; lynx --dump --force-html %s; copiousoutput

Same result. I edit the mime-type with '^E', the hit enter to view it, and it says matching mailcap entry not found....

There has to be something obvious that I'm missing. :-(



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