I ran into the :attachments command by accident while tabbing at the ":" mutt command line prompt.

I checked the muttrc man page as well as the mutt manual and I was unable to find it documented anywhere.

Unless I missed it, it's not even listed under "6.2 Configuration commands" in the Mutt E-Mail Client manual that ships with the version that's installed on my system.

$ mutt -v

Mutt 1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

I did some online searching with the "mutt attachments command" keywords, and nothing relevant showed up.

Only thing that found is that if I issue the ":attachments" command when in mutt, with no parms/options, I get an error message that says "attachments: not disposition" - so it definitely causes some code to be invoked.

Could you please direct me to where it is documented?



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