chombee wrote:

Does anyone know how I can set my terminal's window title to something like 'mutt /path/to/mailbox' when running mutt?

For xterm you can set the xterm_status variable, but it might not work with other terminals. There is a hack, however, by setting the status_format variable to a script that sets the title. For example, I'm using a little script that I called 'mutt_status':

# Demonstration of format string pipes. Sets the xterm title to the 2nd argument,
# and returns the first  unchanged.
# this sets the title
printf "\033]0;$2\007" > /dev/tty
echo "$1"
# end of script

Then I define:

set status_format="mutt_status \"$my_status\" \"$my_title\"|"

where the variables my_status and my_title are set to a format string, see the documentation of status_format. I'm using this with mlterm, and it also works with xterm.

--- Amit

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