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On Wednesday, November 11 at 11:25 PM, quoth Robert Holtzman:
> My mailboxes are on my hd.

Huh. Okay. How many is mutt checking on?

> Still can't figure out why mutt would insist on polling mailboxes 
> for keystrokes unrelated to any mailbox (s, t, *, ?, etc)

That's easy to explain: because you told it to. Here's the way it 
works: you told mutt (well, it's set this way by default, but...) via 
$mail_check that you want ALL of your mailboxes to be checked every 5 
seconds. Now, mutt isn't multithreaded, so it doesn't have a separate 
thread waiting five seconds and then checking for mail. Instead, it 
has a single thread that spends most of its time waiting for you to 
press a key. Every time you press a key, mutt checks the time against 
the various timeouts. If it's been 5 seconds or more since the last 
time it polled all of your mailboxes, it will check all of your 
mailboxes when you press a key NO MATTER WHAT KEY YOU PRESSED. The key 
press merely allowed mutt to break out of its waiting-for-a-key loop, 
enabling it to trigger any actions that should have happened (i.e. 
check for mail).

The other preference setting that affects this is the $timeout 
setting, which sets how long until mutt gives up waiting for you to 
press a key. By default, $timeout is set to 5 minutes (300 seconds).
Thus, if you do nothing at all (i.e. press no keys), mutt will only 
check all of your mailboxes every 5 minutes, despite the fact that 
$mail_check is set to 5 seconds.

> and why the problem is intermittent.

Well, given mutt's event-driven structure, checking for mail is 
inherently intermittent. But I think the intermittent delays probably 
also have something to do with the number of mailboxes you have mutt 
checking, and the characteristics of your hard drive (i.e. does 
checking all of them involve spinning up the disk? Searching through 
large unhashed directories? etc.).

- -- 
The community which does not protect its humblest and most hated 
member in the free utterance of his opinions, no matter how false or 
hateful, is only a gang of slaves. If there is anything in the 
universe that can't stand discussion, let it crack.
                                              -- Wendell Phillips, 1863
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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