On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 10:38:01AM -0600, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Saturday, November 14 at 11:08 AM, quoth Robert Holtzman:
> > When installed in debian lenny on my desktop box and on ubuntu hardy 
> > on my laptop it's fine. Hiting "c" shows the default mailbox to open 
> > as the next one with new mail. Better than alpine. Installed on 
> > ubuntu hardy, also on my desktop box, hitting "c" causes it to ask 
> > what mailbox to open and I have to bring up the list and scroll down 
> > to the one I want. Why the difference between ubuntu on the two 
> > different computers is driving me nuts.
> Okay, let's look at this more specifically, on two machines, 
> <change-folder> suggests the next mailbox with new mail. On one, it 
> doesn't.


> If you're always viewing locally stored messages (e.g. stored in your 
> home directories), and if your messages are stored in mbox format, 
> then it's possible that the difference is that your ubuntu desktop 
> mounts its drives with the "noatime" option, which messes up mutt's 
> detection of new mail. Thus, it doesn't suggest a mailbox for the 
> simple reason that it doesn't think any of them contain new mail.

According to fstab /home is mounted relatime, the same as the laptop
(which works). Debian doesn't say which means it's default which I
*assume* is relatime. 
From what I see on
that should be fine. Now I'm snowed. Think I'll try mutt's dev list.

> If you're always viewing *remote* email (e.g. accessing your mail via 
> IMAP), then it's harder to guess why mailboxes with new mail aren't 
> being suggested.
> In either case, you don't *have* to use the big list to find your 
> mailboxes. Mutt's change-folder prompt can work like the shell: you 
> can use tab completion to make it faster. For example, I keep my mutt  
> mailing list mail organized into INBOX/Subscribed/Mutt. I have $folder 
> set to "INBOX". Thus, whenever I want to read the mutt mailing list 
> email, I simply press c=S<TAB>M<TAB><ENTER> (where the things in 
> brackets are key-presses).

Unless I'm missing something, that looks like more key strokes than I have now.

Thanks for the reply.

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"

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