Buzzer wrote:
  2-Dec-2009 числа в 17:01 часов, Gen-Paul написал(а) следующее:

Can I make http and ftp links in plain text message body accessible
for Lynx browser?

macro index \cv |elinks\n
macro pager \cv |elinks\n

When I hit Ctrl-V, the message under the cursor is piped to the ELinks
web browser.

Maybe you could convince lynx to display plain text messages as if
they were html?
By pressing hot key? Then tell me more about it, please.

For some reason the bit where wrote that I have coded the following in my .muttrc
seems to have disappeared.

Here's a more detailed description:

macro : tell mutt that the rest of the line is a macro, that you are going to
          associate a key combo to an action

index : tell mutt where you want the function enabled, the index screen - that's the one that displays the message list, the pager screen that displays one particular message, or 'generic - ie. all screens. Because you are feeding a message as input to another program, this particular action
          only makes sense for the index and the pager.

\cv : Ctrl + v (the key combo that will execute the macro). You can change that to anything that's not already doing something else in the index
          and the pager.

|       : the pipe-message function - invokes an external program that will
          receive the current message as input

elinks  : the program that will process the message. I use ELinks because it
          renders web pages a lot closer to the graphical browsers _and_ it
recognizes or even in the middle of an ASCII text file. I don't know if you can just substitute lynx for elinks and if you will be able use the tab key or the arrow keys to move between links and hit enter follow links. I don't use lynx.

\n : if you don't code this, mutt will prompt you for a confirmation each
          time you hit the key combo - it's equivalent to <enter>.

I prefer this solution to urlview/urlscan because it directly switches me to
a web browser where I can see the links in the context of the message. I am
subscribed to a newsletter that can have some 50-60 links easily, and maybe
I have not configured it optimally, but all I get with urlview is two screens' worth of links with numbers and cryptic URI names, and I'm left to guess what
they correspond to.


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