On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:21:23AM -0600, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Sunday, January 10 at 08:56 PM, quoth RobertHoltzman:
> > I run ubuntu 8.04 on my desktop box and on my laptop. Both run mutt 
> > 1.5.17. On the laptop the mailboxes called up with "?" each has an "*" 
> > after the name, i.e. list-mutt-users*. The "*" doesn't appear on the 
> > list on the desktop box. I could be wrong but I don't recall seeing this 
> > before. Not a deal breaker but irritating. An explanation would be 
> > appreciated.
> The * is appended to the name of mailboxes that, for whatever reason, 
> have the user executable bit set. The reason (I think) is that you 
> probably never want your mailbox files to be executable, and it's an 
> indication that your permission settings may not be what you think 
> they are. To fix it, simply run `chmod u-x` on every mailbox file.

That nailed it, Not sure how the x bit snuck in there but there it was.


Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"

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