* E. Prom <e3p...@gmail.com> [2010-01-20 23:04 -0400]:
> Ideally, I would then just "source `external_program`", where
> external_program returns the name of a mutt conf file changing all
> these variables.
> [snips]
> My problem is that I need to pass this external_program the address
> I'm writing to. And of course, `external_program ~t` does not work.
> Things are getting complicated. Is there a way to do that in mutt, or
> do I have to look for patches?

I was looking for a way to do something similar, but where I'd pass the
current folder name as the argument, and ended up solving the problem
with a ton of friendly list help (Hi Cameron!).

Check <http://marc.info/?t=122908513500004> and the following email in
that thread <http://marc.info/?l=mutt-users&m=124386201828318>.

The script I used with that command is in

The wrapping is a bit ugly, so the solution lines are included below.

folder-hook . 'set my_oldrecord=$record; set record=^; set my_folder=$record; 
set record=$my_oldrecord'
folder-hook . 'push ":\`~/.mutt/listbox-to-email.pl\ $my_folder\`\<enter\>"'

This probably won't get you all the way there, but at least it
demonstrates how to get information to the command line from inside

dave [ please don't CC me ]

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