On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 04:54:32PM -0600, Christopher Lemire wrote:
> Does anyone know of books covering Mutt or Linux books covering Mutt
> more than just mentioning it? What Linux distros include Mutt by
> default? I've seen a lot of Linux books at stores covering specific
> distros and thought a Linux book might have some information on it.
> Christopher Lemire <christopher.lem...@gmail.com>


I don't know any mutt books, but there are some real good
tutorials for mutt out there which contain many useful

* http://linsec.ca/Using_mutt_on_OS_X (not only for Mac users)
* http://mutt.blackfish.org.uk/ "My first mutt"
* http://www.therandymon.com/papers/using-mutt.pdf "Using Mutt"

I'm sure there are more.

Hope this helps,
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