I ran into a few issues with the Microsoft Exchange 2007 server here
at work and receiving patches sent with git send-email. It turns out
one issue was real and the server's fault and another series of issues
after the upgrade were the users's fault, mine. I wanted to share that
with others in case they are also struggling with the same so that.
This will also help with the Google cache of solutions to general
questions :)

I've documented the issues and solutions here:


Essentially if you have issues with tabs getting replaced with spaces
you have to upgrade the server, there is no other way around to it.

If you have issues after that, its likely you are not decoding the
patches correctly since the Microsoft Exchange 2007 server encodes
them by default to:

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

This is not done by other mail servers, including gmail and it is
actually possible to change this default behavior (and provide a link
to it above) but that is not likely what you want. I typically was
saving patches using "s" on mutt. If you use "ESC s" that does the
trick of properly re-encoding the message and you can then save that
patch or a series.


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