On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:09:04AM -0700, Michael Elkins wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 11:57:38AM -0500, Will Fiveash wrote:
> >Thanks Michael, that did take care of the problem I described however
> >while testing that new version of mutt I saw another similar issue.
> >Here's what I did:
> >
> >1. type 'm' to start creating a new message.
> >2. the "Recall postponed message? ([yes], no):" prompt appears, I enter
> >  no.
> >3. When the to: prompt appears I changed my mind and hit the Cntrl-G
> >  cancel key at which point the "Recall postponed message? ([yes],
> >  no):" prompt was displayed in appropriately.  Note that the mutt
> >  wasn't actually prompting me, it was just that the text wasn't
> >  cleared.
> Will,
> Thanks for the report.  I will have to go back and look at things
> more closely.  The issue is that mutt_message() stores the string in
> a global variable, Errorbuf, which is restored when the screen is
> refreshed.  This is done so that the error is visible to the user
> after an abort.  Except that as you've pointed out this is not
> always desirable.

Prompts should be handled differently in regards to clearing after
Cntrl-G cancels than informational/error messages?

Will Fiveash

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