On 13May2010 09:53, Udo Hortian <udo_hort...@web.de> wrote:
| I tend to use "reply" accidentally instead of "group reply" if I reply to
| messages sent to a group of persons. Is there a way to be asked by mutt
| if one wants to use "group reply" instead of "reply" in case that there
| is more than one recipient in the mail one is answering?

I tend to always group-reply and then eyeball the list of to/cc in case
it should change. If you have accidents you could map 'r' to group reply
instead of plain reply. I personally feel that since group-reply is the
same as plain-reply when there's only one person in the to/cc, I never
reach for plain reply at all, just adjust headers if necessary later.

I know that doesn't answer your actual question; I can only think of
horrible hooks that look for commas in the to/cc or something, and still
don't have a way to ask a question anyway.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

"Gosh, that's the 3rd motorcycle that's passed us. Sure do take their life in
 their hands, what with the weather and all."
"Yes Janet, life's pretty cheap to that type."

Audience:   YEAH THAT TYPE!!!!!!

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