On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 07:57:23PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> Dear mutts,
> I am seeking a technical solution to a PEBCAK¹ case routed in my
> inability — at times — to think before I do. ;)
> ¹) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pebcak
> Basically, I would like to instruct mutt to refuse sending a message
> when any one (or both) of two cases is true:
> a. a message is somehow marked as not-yet-ready
> b. a message is addressed to a "problematic correspondent" and does
>    not include a manual signed-off sentinel of sorts.

The following is a tip to check if you attached a file to a message,
triggered when you use the "attach" word in the text body.


It might be a good solution for your problem; it doesn't use mutt's
patterns, though.

Javier Rojas

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