On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 02:48:15PM +0100, Chris G wrote:
> > > Getting back to your problem I have just realised something, when you
> > > copy a mail message to another mailbox it *is* a new message in that
> > > mailbox. I have just tried it and I get exactly the same symptoms that
> > > you report.
> > 
> > I can't reproduce this, neither with $check_mbox_size set or
> > unser. Unless, of course, I copy a message that is flagged as
> > New.
> > 
> I have just tried it again and I definitely *do* see the bug/problem.
> I have a message from amazon.co.uk in my inbox which I have read but
> not deleted, it has no flags by it.  I s[ave] it to
> ~/Mail/shopping/books and it's deleted from my inbox.  I then either
> s[ave] it or C[opy] it back to my inbox and mutt *immediately* tells
> me there's new mail in my inbox.  However when I go and look the mail
> from amazon is there but not marked 'N'.
When you think about it this is inevitable isn't it?

If one writes a message to an mbox file then the size changes and (if atime is
enabled) the modification time will be after the access time. So mutt
*has* to say there's new mail in the mailbox.  It gets it right to the
extent that the 'new' mail isn't marked as such in the index if it's
not really new but I can see no way that mutt could act otherwise
regarding seeing the mailbox as having new mail in it.

Chris Green

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