* On 05 Jan 2011, Toby Cubitt wrote: 
> is dated less than 24h before the current time. That's *not* what I'm
> after. When the current time is 00:01 on the 6 Jan, I want an email that
> arrived at 23:59 on the 5 Jan to display "Sun 05", even though the email
> is only two minutes old.

I understand now.  In your first post I read emphasis in the multiple
conditionality, not in the idea that "yesterday" is not the same as
"less than one day ago".

Does your patch still support the original behavior of date_conditional?
I personally don't want everything to change at midnight.  (I'm more
sensitive to how long ago something happened than to what day it was at
the time.)  But if your version does both it's a more complete feature,
and I'm interested it using it instead.

David Champion  *  d...@uchicago.edu  *  IT Services  *  University of Chicago

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