On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 12:16:10PM +0300, Alexander V Vershilov wrote:
> Hello.
> I have got a problem that sometimes I forgot add attachements
> to my email, or misspress 'y' key instead of 'a'. 
> Idea of workaround is to add some markup in test (for example 
> '{{file}}') and if there is such a markup doesn't allow to send 
> email in send-hook, otherwise delete this markup and send email.
> Maybe somebody have workaround for this? Or any other ideas.

If you use Emacs as your editor and post-mode for composing emails
(http://post-mode.sourceforge.net), then there's a
`post-should-prompt-for-attachment' customization option. If you set that
to 'Smart, then it will only prompt you if the email body contains a
match for `post-attachment-regep' (which is of course customizable).

I'm sure there are existing solutions out there for Vim and other
editors, too.


Dr T. S. Cubitt
Mathematics and Quantum Information group
Department of Mathematics
Complutense University
Madrid, Spain

email: ts...@cantab.net
web: www.dr-qubit.org

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