
found some nifty translations that to interesting things for mutt, such as

mutt.vt100.translations: #override \n\
  None<Btn4Down>: string(<<) \n\
  None<Btn5Down>: string(>>) \n

and this in .muttrc:
bind pager < previous-line
bind pager > next-line

which works nicely when I invoke it as
 xterm -e mutt

Since I do use my xterms for all kinds of things, not just mutt I thought I 
simply set the xterm title dynamically. So I have done in .muttrc

set my_init=`/bin/echo -en "\033]0;mutt\007" >/proc/$PPID/fd/1 `

which does successfully set the xterm title (any easier way to simply execute an
external command????) - however the xterm resource name is apparently not 
by this update.

Any idea if it is possible to achieve the effect that I want?


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