On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 02:42:23AM +0200, Thor Andreassen wrote:
> On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 04:22:16PM -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> > Running Squeeze and Mutt 1.5.21-4~bpo60+1 with urlscan. Ctl-b shows the
> > URLs but clicking one opens the Epiphany browser. Searches haven't
> > turned up a way to call Iceweasel 
> As per urlscan(1) it calls sensible-browser(1) on the url. So to change
> the default, you set the BROWSER variable in mutts environment, eg. for
> bash:
> BROWSER=iceweasel mutt
> or
> export BROWSER=iceweasel
> mutt

Thanks for jogging my memory. It's been a long time since I set up
Ubuntu and had to add the export line to .bashrc and I had completely

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
chech the price of the beer.
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