On 15Sep2011 10:41, Athanasius <m...@miggy.org> wrote:
| On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 09:49:14AM +0200, Gérard Robin wrote:
| > in order to organize outbox I wrote this script: (year.sh)
| > ---------------------------------------------------------
| > #!/bin/bash
| > year=`date +%Y`
| > if [ ! -d ~/Mail/OUTBOX/$year ]
| > then        
| >     mkdir ~/Mail/OUTBOX/$year
| > echo 'set record==OUTBOX/$year/outbox-`date +%m-%y`' 
| > else
| > echo 'set record==OUTBOX/$year/outbox-`date +%m-%y`' 
| > 
| > fi
| > ---------------------------------------------------------
|   The use of '' to enclose the string means bash won't expand any
| variables inside.  Try "" instead.



| > but if I write the script year.sh like this: [...]
| > echo 'set record==OUTBOX/`date +%Y`/outbox-`date +%m-%y`' 
| > else
| > echo 'set record==OUTBOX/`date +%Y`/outbox-`date +%m-%y`' 
| > 
| > fi
| > ---------------------------------------------------------
| > 
| > it works fine.
| > 
| > Why it does not work with $an ?
|   Red herring.  You're not trying to use $an inside '' in this version.
| `` still works inside ''.


What is actually happening is that in _both_ cases the single quotes in
his script are preventing $year _and_ the `command` stuff from
happening. In his script!

So what is being echoed for mutt to use is _literally_:

  set record==OUTBOX/$year/outbox-`date +%m-%y`
  set record==OUTBOX/`date +%Y`/outbox-`date +%m-%y`

Now, in both these cases, mutt _will_ try to expand both $year and the
`date...` parts. However, mutt hasn't got a $year to use. The `date...`
stuff _does_ work.

The second script works because mutt does not try to use $year.

| > How to use a variable with mutt ?
|   Hope this helps.

You've been misled by red herrings, alas.

Gérard, use Athanasius' suggestion of double quotes in your script.
You're not passing $year to mutt, but you will be passing the result you

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

The thought of suicide is a comforting one, for with it has come a calm
passage through many a bad night.       - Fred Nieztsche

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