* Tim Johnson <t...@akwebsoft.com> [111015 14:27]:
> <duh> Fetchmail issues.
> FYI: I'm used to linux, setting up mail for Mac Lion, to which I am
> very much a noobie.
> I'm using fetchmail to get gmail messages.
> I have a directory called .certs in which I have two certificates
> stored as equifax.pem and gmail.pem as per instructions which have
> proven to be correct for linux.
> When I copied the .certs directory to the Mac, I ran c_rehash .certs
> and new symlinks were created.
> My poll statements looks like this:
> poll pop.gmail.com with proto POP3
>        ## the following is all one line
>        user '*********' there with password '******' is 'tim' here
>          mda "/usr/bin/procmail" options ssl sslcertck sslcertpath
>          ~/.certs/
>        ## / the following ...
> the action fails and the associated error messages are as follows.
> """
> fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: unable to get
> local issuer certificate
> fetchmail: This means that the root signing certificate (issued for
> /C=US/ST=UT/L=Salt Lake City/O=The USERTRUST
> Network/OU=http://www.usertrust.com/CN=UTN-USERFirst-Hardware) is
> not in the trusted CA certificate locations, o
> fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: certificate not
> trusted
> fetchmail: Warning: the connection is insecure, continuing anyways.
> (Better use --sslcertck!)
> """
> I suspect that the syntax in the poll statement may be incorrect,
> but am unable to know what to do to proceded.
 OMG! It's even worse than I thought! For some reason fetchmail is
 also looking for certificates for the standard pop mail servers that I am
 also polling. I'm not seeing anything like that on my linux box.
 Why the devil is fetchmail looking for issuer certificates for
 mail.akwebsoft.com? My other mail server...

 I suspect that there are profound syntax differences between
 fetchmailrc on darwin than linux.
tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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