On 2011-11-22, Alexander Pletnev wrote:
> Hello, 
> I'm new in mutt. But please help. I like to write letter from my VIM.
> I configured mutt to work with my emalil wia POPs protocol and it gets mail 
> well. But i tired to read manuals and google for this.
> but i want to autocheck my email and beep for new. 
> This is what i write in my config for this: 
> ########################################################
> #and this one for pop3
> set spoolfile=~/Mail/inbox
> set pop_host=""
> set pop_user=""
> set pop_pass=""
> set pop_checkinterval="60"
> set pop_delete="no"
> ########################################################
> set mail_check=5
> set check_new=yes
> set header_cache =~/.mutt/cache/headers
> set message_cachedir =~/.mutt/cache/bodies
> set certificate_file =~/.mutt/certificates
> auto_view text/html
> set beep_new
> My system: Fedora 15, xfce, mutt Mutt 1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Mutt only checks for new mail when it runs its input processing
loop, which it does normally only when the user is typing.  It also
runs this loop when an input timer times out, but the default
timeout is 600 seconds or 10 minutes.  To change this timeout value
to check more often, use something like

    set timeout=5


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