On Sat 14.Jan.12 09:26, Tim Gray wrote:
On Jan 13, 2012 at 03:38 PM -0600, Dan McDaniel wrote:
I tried this since I too have been looking for a solution to this kind
of problem. However, I am getting only partial success. I can tell it's
sourcing the profiles as I move between folders because the color of the
status bar changes, but it's not setting the From: or the signatures
that I have specified.

Not sure what to tell you. I just made a bare bones muttrc to test things with to make sure I didn't have another setting that crucial to making this work. It doesn't seem like I did. This is *all* I had in the test file:

   set realname="Tim Gray"
   set from=tg...@address1.com
   set mbox_type=Maildir
   set fast_reply
   set editor="vim +8 -c 'set ft=mail'"
   set spoolfile = $HOME/mail/p/INBOX
   set folder=$HOME/mail/p

   folder-hook .* "source ~/.mutt/profiles/proto"
   folder-hook $HOME/mail/p/work.* "source ~/.mutt/profiles/swat"

The profile files looked like before:

   set realname="Tim Gray"
   set from="tg...@address2.com"
   set signature=~/sigfile1
   color status black magenta

I do know the folder hooks have to be in the correct order. The default one comes first. Also, maybe there are other hooks that are interfering?
Thanks for the reply. I'll start over with a bare muttrc file and work
forward from there. Probably some of my other settings are interfering.

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