* On 17 Apr 2012, Derek Martin wrote: 
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:46:15AM -0300, Andrei Mikhailov wrote:
> > I would expect that this command:
> > 
> >   echo mymaildir | xargs mutt -f 
> > 
> > be equivalent to:
> > 
> >   mutt -f mymaildir
> > 
> > But instead, mutt complains about ``no recipient specified''.
> > Please help me to figure this out!
> The problem here is that when you run it this way, Mutt's stdin is not
> a terminal.  When that's the case, mutt expects you're composing a
> message on the command line, and will complain when you don't provide
> it enough options to specify the message envelope:
> $ mutt -f Mailbox < /dev/null
> No recipients were specified.
> For the UI to work, stdin must be a terminal, so that mutt (or rather,
> whichever terminal control library it uses) knows what to send to the
> terminal to draw the screen, etc.  AFAIK there's no way around that.

TTY=$(tty); echo mymaildir | xargs -I{} sh -c "mutt -f '{}' <$TTY"

David Champion • d...@uchicago.edu • IT Services • University of Chicago

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