Martin De'Pannone wrote:
> I have mutt working as far as being able to fetch my emails from an
> IMAP mail srver that I run.  The issue is I can not send emails
> despite several nights trying to get the thing to work.
> Below is my .muttrc
> ########
> #muttrc by martin thanks to brisbin
> ########
> set realname = "Martin De"
> set imap_user = ""
> set folder=imaps://
> set spoolfile=+INBOX
> set record=imaps://
> set imap_check_subscribed
> set certificate_file    = ~/.mutt/cert_file                 # where to
> store certs
> set mailcap_path        = ~/.mutt/mailcap                       #
> entrys for filetypes
> source ~/.mutt/colours
> set from=""
> #set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp -a home -X /home/martin/.newmsmtp.log"
> #set ssl_verify_host = no
> #set ssl_verify_dates = no
> set use_from=yes
> set envelope_from=yes
> set
> set smtp_url=smtps://
> set ssl_force_tls = yes
> ############
> # main options
> ############
>   set beep_new                                                    #
> terminal bell on new message
> unset confirmappend                                               #
> don't ask, just do
>   set delete                                                      #
> don't ask, just do
>   set mail_check          = 0                                     #
> minimum time between scans
> unset markers                                                     # no
> ugly plus signs
> unset mark_old                                                    #
> read/new is good enough for me
>   set menu_scroll                                                 #
> scroll in menus
>   set pager_index_lines   = 10                                    #
> number of index lines to show
>   set pager_context       = 5                                     #
> number of context lines to show
>   set pager_stop                                                  #
> don't go to next message automatically
>   set pipe_decode                                                 #
> strip headers and eval mimes when piping
>   set reverse_alias                                               #
> show names from alias file in index
> #set sort                = threads                               # like gmail
> #set sort_aux            = reverse-last-date-received            # like gmail
> #unset sort_re                                                     #
> always thread
>   set thorough_search                                             #
> strip headers and eval mimes before searching
>   set thread_received                                             #
> sort threads by date received, not sent
>   set tilde                                                       #
> show tildes like in vim
>   set timeout             = 3                                     #
> idle time before scanning
> unset wait_key                                                    #
> don't show "Press any key to continue"
> unset resolve                                                    #
> stops attachjments being downloaded
> ########
> # sidebar settings
> #######
>   set sidebar_visible = yes
>   set sidebar_width   = 25
>   set sidebar_delim =               '|'
>   set status_format = "-%r- %v ------+----/ %f %m%?n? [+%n]?%?d?
> [-%d]?%?t? [*%t]? /%?p?---/ %p waiting to send /?-%>-(%P)---"
> # colors
> color sidebar_new brightyellow black
> # sidebar bindings
> bind index,pager \CJ sidebar-next
> bind index,pager \CK sidebar-prev
> bind index,pager \CB sidebar-open
> This fails with the following error.....
> "SSL failed: error:140770FC:SSL
> routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol"

Sounds like the server is not actually running smtps in that port.

> I have tried also using msmtp, this gives me the same error.
> My .msmtprc is below
> account home
> host
> port 8465
> protocol smtp
> logfile /home/martin/.newmsmtp.log
> auth plain
> user
> from
> tls on
> tls_certcheck off
> tls_starttls off
> tls_force_sslv3 on
> account default : home
> It gives me the exact same error, in fact, it doesn't even prompt me
> for a password which I would have thought t would have.

Presumably it bails before it even gets to authentication. Are you
absolutely sure that is running smtps on port 8465?
You could try with some other clients like evolution for instance. It
may well be running plain SMTP with the option to STARTTLS, which is no
less secure - try telnetting to that port and seeing.

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